University of Northern Iowa




Engage: Public/Private Sector

Engaging with the private sector

When interacting with the private sector for potential partnerships or collaborations, asking thoughtful questions and being prepared will enhance the conversation's productivity. Here are some essential questions to ask:


About the Company

  • What products or services does your company offer?
  • Can you tell me more about your company’s history and values?
  • What sets your company apart from competitors?


Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Does your company engage in partnerships or collaborations with other businesses or organizations?
  • What criteria does your company consider when choosing partners?
  • Business Opportunities
  • Are there any current or upcoming business opportunities where we could work together?
  • How can my skills/resources benefit your company?


Customer Needs

  • What are your customers’ most pressing needs or pain points?
  • How does your company address those needs?


Market Trends

  • How does your company stay updated on market trends
  • and changes in consumer behavior?
  • Are there any emerging trends that might impact your business?


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  • What CSR initiatives does your company have in place?
  • How does your company contribute to the community or environment?
  • Innovation and Future Plans:
  • What are your company’s plans for innovation and growth?
  • Are there any upcoming projects or expansions?


Risk Management & Sustainability

  • How does your company handle risk management and ensure sustainability?
  • What measures do you take to reduce environmental impact?


Financial Performance

  • Can you share some insights into your company’s financial performance and stability?


Feedback & Improvement


By following these steps, you can effectively locate public sector assistance that suits your needs and avail the necessary support and services provided by the government. Remember to be proactive and diligent in your search and take advantage of available resources to ensure you receive the help you require.

  1. Identify the type of assistance you need (financial aid, healthcare, education, etc.).

  2. Visit official government websites for comprehensive information and specific agencies.

  3. Use online search engines with relevant terms for your location (e.g., “food assistance programs in [city]”).

  4. Check government assistance portals for summaries of available programs.

  5. Contact government helplines or offices for up-to-date information.

  6. Consult community organizations for additional resources.

  7. Stay updated on social media and news outlets for program announcements.

  8. Understand eligibility criteria and application procedures.


Being Well-Prepared for Public Sector Interactions

When engaging with public sector providers, preparation is key to ensuring a productive and efficient conversation. Here are some tips to be well-prepared:

Purpose of the Conversation: Clearly define the purpose of your conversation. Whether you are seeking information, making a request, or addressing an issue, having a clear objective will help guide the discussion.

Personal Details: Be prepared to provide your name, contact information, and any relevant identification details, depending on the nature of the conversation.

Specific Query or Request: Have a concise and specific explanation of what you need or the question you want to ask. Providing clear details will help the public sector provider understand your situation and provide relevant assistance.

Documentation: Depending on the nature of the discussion, you may need to bring relevant documents such as identification, permits, licenses, or any paperwork related to your query or request.

Dates and Times: If your inquiry is time-sensitive or involves specific dates or events, have this information ready. For example, if you are requesting a service or scheduling an appointment, know your preferred dates and times.

Background Information: If your query or request is related to a previous interaction or ongoing issue, be prepared to provide relevant background information. This could include reference numbers, case details, or any previous communication with the public sector provider.

Supporting Evidence: If your conversation involves a complaint, dispute, or application for a service, bring any supporting evidence, such as photographs, documents, or witness statements, that can help clarify your situation.

Questions and Clarifications: Prepare any questions you have about the process, eligibility criteria, or any other relevant information. Being informed and asking for clarifications shows that you are engaged and serious about the matter.

Patience and Respect: When talking to a public sector provider, be patient and respectful. Government agencies often handle a wide range of inquiries, and the process may take some time.

Alternative Contact Information: In case the conversation gets disconnected or further communication is needed, have alternative contact information ready, such as an email address or an alternative phone number.


By following these guidelines, individuals and businesses can make the most of public-private sector partnerships and effectively access the support and services provided by the government. Engaging thoughtfully with the private sector and being well-prepared for public sector interactions will unlock opportunities for progress and collective growth. Remember, collaboration is the key to success, and together, we can pave the way for a brighter future.


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